Physical Issues with Overbites

An overbite is a dental condition where the upper front teeth overlap significantly with the lower front teeth. Although many people see it as a cosmetic concern, overbites can have a more profound impact on your health than you might think. You can experience physical and developmental issues due to an overbite.

Physical Issues with Overbites

The Double Chin Dilemma

An overbite can inadvertently lead to the look of a double chin. When your upper front teeth protrude over the lower ones, it can affect the alignment of your jaw and neck muscles. This misalignment can result in poor posture.  Over time, this may lead to the appearance of a double chin. Correcting the overbite can help improve your posture and reduce the double chin effect.

Tooth Development Problems

Overbites can affect the development of teeth, particularly in children. When the upper teeth overlap the lower ones excessively, it can lead to crowding. It can also create misalignment and abnormal growth patterns. As a result, you may need orthodontic treatment, such as braces, to realign your teeth. 

Facial Shape Changes

Over time, untreated overbites can alter the shape of your face. The misalignment of the upper and lower jaws can lead to a shorter, rounder face. This can give the appearance of a weaker chin. With orthodontic treatment, you can help maintain a more balanced facial profile.

Headaches and Jaw Pain

Overbites can contribute to headaches and jaw pain. When the jaws don’t align properly, it can put excessive pressure on certain teeth. As a result, this can lead to chronic headaches. Additionally, over time, the strain on the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint or TMJ) can result in temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). This is another condition that causes jaw pain and discomfort.

Toothaches and Sensitivity

For those with overbites, you can develop toothaches and sensitivity. The uneven distribution of biting forces can lead to certain teeth bearing the brunt of chewing and biting. Over time, this can cause excessive wear and tear on those teeth. This can lead to toothaches and heightened sensitivity.

Digestive Problems

Chewing is the first step in digestion. Unfortunately, overbites can affect your ability to chew food effectively. When your bite is misaligned, it can make chewing less efficient. This can potentially lead to digestive problems as your stomach has to work harder to break down larger food particles. 

Speech Impairments

Overbites can affect your speech. The positioning of your teeth and jaws plays a vital role in the way you speak. An overbite can lead to speech impairments. For example, you can develop a lisp or difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. 

Sleep Disruptions

Some with overbites may experience sleep disruptions, including snoring and sleep apnea. Overbites can lead to airway restrictions. As a result, it can cause breathing difficulties during sleep. 

Addressing Overbites

However, there is good news! You can seek treatment for your overbite. Therefore, you can reduce or eliminate your physical issues from an overbite. With your orthodontist, you can choose braces or clear aligners to improve your jaw and tooth alignment. 

In severe cases, you may need oral surgery. But, you can avoid this with early intervention.