Cleft Palate Timonium, MD

Cleft lip and cleft palate are conditions affecting approximately 1 in 1,050 babies on average. Babies can be born with a cleft lip, a cleft palate, or both. The incidence of clefting is higher in babies of Asian/Pacific, Latino, or Native American descent.

A cleft lip or palate can occur on one side or both sides of the mouth. It is a fetal development abnormality that can sometimes be diagnosed during an ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy. In some cases, the cleft is very small and not identified until after birth. Although a cleft lip or palate can present initial developmental difficulties, most patients will enjoy healthy, normal development with the support of a series of surgical corrections and other treatments.
orthodontic treatment for cleft palate in timonium md

Cleft Palate Treatment: the path to a smile.

Early evaluation and strategic planning in the infant stage will create a foundation for treatment success. Dr. Izadi has more than 30 years of experience in this field and likes to examine the patient before the child has any teeth. The purpose of this appointment is to assess facial growth, especially jaw development. After teeth erupt, he can further assess a child’s short and long-term dental needs. After the anterior permanent teeth erupt, orthodontic treatment can be started to align the teeth. Due to a lack of growth of the upper jaw (premaxillary insufficiency), the patients normally develop an anterior crossbite (underbite) and, at times, a posterior crossbite due to the collapse of the cleft areas. It is very important to correct the crossbites to prevent any damage to the teeth due to incorrect contacts upon closure and to help reduce serious mal-alignment of the jaws.

Treatment for a cleft palate can include a range of procedures to support a healthy, functional outcome. Some patients will experience complications such as failure to thrive, hearing loss, and repeated ear-nose-throat infections. Patients can thrive when the necessary team of professionals is part of their overall treatment, including mental health support when needed.

Treatments to address these issues can include:

  • Braces to straighten the teeth
  • Ear tubes and other treatments for recurring ear infections
  • Feeding therapy
  • Hearing aids
  • Speech therapy
  • Talk therapy to manage the stress of living with cleft lip and palate

Careful treatment planning must be developed to address missing teeth and determine how they can be replaced after the orthodontic treatment. Dr. Izadi often recommends temporary bridgework after his care is complete, followed by an assessment after the patient’s cessation of growth for additional bone grafting in the cleft area/s, followed by dental implant/s. Orthodontic care and observation recall will be necessary throughout the patient’s growth and development. Unfortunately, poor treatments and careless planning may cause lifelong battles for some patients.

Cleft Palate FAQs

A gummy smile can affect how you feel about your appearance, but Dr. Izadi can help you with several treatment options. Understanding the causes and solutions helps you make informed decisions. If you we do not cover the questions you have about cleft palates, please call us today.

Is a cleft palate or cleft lip genetic?

Science has shown that there may be a genetic link due to a slightly higher incidence when a family member has a cleft palate or lip. However, most babies born with this condition have no direct family members who also have/had a cleft.

Can prenatal diet affect the development of a cleft palate or lip?

There is no connection between a mother’s diet during pregnancy and the incidence of a cleft palate or cleft lip. Science and studies on this condition have indicated a potential connection between certain medications taken during pregnancy and exposure to certain viruses or chemicals in the environment. Medications or drugs that may cause cleft lip and cleft palate include anti-seizure/anticonvulsant drugs, acne drugs containing Accutane, and methotrexate, a drug commonly used for treating cancer, arthritis and psoriasis.

When does an infant have their first cleft palate or cleft lip surgery?

In most cases, the first corrective surgery occurs during the first year. This surgery will reconstruct the upper palate and often includes the placement of ear tubes to prevent infections and hearing loss. Subsequent surgeries will likely be needed as the child grows to address anatomical and cosmetic issues that are associated with a cleft palate or lip.

How common is cleft palate?

In the United States, about 1 in 1,700 children are born with a cleft palate each year. It’s one of the most common birth defects we see. Understanding the frequency of cleft palate can help in planning healthcare resources and support systems for affected families.

What problems can a cleft palate cause?

A cleft palate can cause various issues, including:

  • Feeding difficulties: Babies with a cleft palate may struggle with sucking, making it hard to breastfeed or bottle-feed.
  • Speech problems: The cleft can affect the development of normal speech, leading to nasal-sounding speech or difficulty pronouncing certain sounds.
  • Ear infections and hearing loss: Children with a cleft palate are more likely to develop ear infections. This is due to fluid buildup in the ear. Children can suffer from hearing loss if it is not treated.
  • Dental issues: A cleft can lead to misalignment and affect tooth development. Most children will require some type of orthodontic treatment.

What is the long-term outlook for a child with a cleft palate?

With proper treatment, most children with a cleft palate lead healthy, normal lives. Your child may need ongoing care, but they can thrive and succeed in all areas of life. Advances in surgical techniques and comprehensive care have significantly improved outcomes. Many children grow up to have normal speech, hearing, and appearance. Continued support from family, healthcare providers, and the community plays a vital role in helping these children reach their full potential.

How can an orthodontic help my child with a cleft palate?

Dr. Izadi can help your child with a cleft palate in a few ways. He may suggest using special appliances to expand and shape the jaw to create more space for teeth to grow. This treatment improves chewing and speech. Dr. Izadi can also guide bone growth. This treatment will help reduce the need for surgery later. Early treatment gives your child the best chance for a healthy, confident smile.

How is a cleft palate diagnosed?

Doctors usually diagnose a cleft palate at birth through a physical examination. They can sometimes detect it during a prenatal ultrasound, but this isn’t always possible. In some cases, you may need additional imaging tests, such as MRI or CT scans. These types of diagnostic testings will provide a detailed view of the cleft. Early diagnosis allows you to start plannning and seeking treatment.